  • Polski

  • Specialization in English dedicated to Polish and foreign students.

    The topics of the specialization are related to the ways in which public institutions operate in international dimension, with special emphasis on the area of Europe. The subjects we offer allow you to gain sound knowledge of modern approach to managing public institutions, and how international organizations work.

    You will be able to develop your skills of analyzing public policies in the international context, expand your knowledge of local and regional development from the EU perspective and understand the essence of contemporary international space in which economic exchange takes place.

    Classes are taught by staff with profound knowledge of the area of public policies in the international context, activities of the European Union, international organizations – both in theoretical and practical dimension. The Cracow University of Economics staff are supported by representatives of other, Polish and foreign institutions.

    Where can I work after graduating?

    Classes prepare students to work in organizations of public sphere and its environment in various countries, especially European ones, and in institutions where English is used as an essential element of professional communication, for example EU, OECD, World Bank, EBI, etc. Our graduates are also prepared to continue their education on 2nd degree studies connected with management, public policies, politics, finance, spatial development and others.

    Internships are an important element of the studies. They are organized in institutions which on a daily basis deal with public policies in international and especially European dimension. Such internships may be conducted both in Poland and abroad.