  • Polski

  • dr hab. Magdalena Zdun

    (+48) 12 293 59 72
    office hours:
    Pawilon F, pok. 418

    Assistant Professor at the Department of Regional Economy (Institute of Urban Economy). Her professional interests include the sociological theory of economic development and innovation, and geodetic descriptions. She graduated from the AGH University of Science and Technology with very good marks and obtained her MSc Eng. in Geodesy with a diploma thesis about real property valuation. Following a five-year MA programme in Sociology, she got her honours degree from the Jagiellonian University. In 2010, she started her doctoral studies at the Catholic University of Lublin. During the studies she received a scholarship from the “Best Practices” (Polish: Najlepsze Praktyki) project, and spent 6 months on placement at the University of Glasgow, UK, where she worked as a Visiting Scholar. In 2014, she defended her PhD thesis. In 2017, in recognition of her monograph entitled Innovation. A socio-cultural perspective (Polish: Innowacje. Perspektywa społeczno-kulturowa), she was awarded the Aniela hrabina Potulicka Award for exceptional achievement supporting the idea of Christian humanism.

    She has authored approx. 30 works on economic sociology and development. In 2018, she received the National Science Centre’s Miniatura 1 grant and published her monograph entitled (Super)Nova Atlantises. The Regional diversification of economic development cultures (Polish: (Super)Nowe Atlantydy. Regionalna dywersyfikacja kultur rozwoju gospodarczego). She holds many certificates confirming successful completion of training in such areas as thematic maps, spatial analysis, advanced computer graphics, and research methods and methodology.