  • Polski

  • 2. Open Eyes Economy Summit

    We promote the idea of transparent relations between the business entities and public life institutions that facilitate the care for the common good. We support innovation and practice looking through blue glasses that strengthen the impact of our open-minded insight.

    What are the topics?

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    A section devoted to enterprises driven by responsibility and social involvement with business operations based on true values. Future belongs to fair companies that achieve good economic results owing to trust that they truly deserve. From the business perspective, Firm-Ideas incorporate the Open Eyes Economy.


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    A public space where the community of Conscious Consumers meets the Firm-Idea. That is the space for the enactment, the formation of regulations, the determination of the principles of mutual cooperation and joint creation of culture. The civil society comprises people who want to buy from Firm-Ideas and to co-generate Culture based on community values. The City-Idea is an ecological space, capable of permanent self-reflection, and constantly driving to reach the sustainability.


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    A brand that creates its CULTURE with full awareness. The culture is unique, co-generated by the Firm-Idea together with its Customers, Employees and Cooperates. One cannot generate a reliable Brand-Culture without the foundations of reliable mission and principles valued by a Firm-Idea represented by WiseBrand.


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    The principles, values and realities that form the global background for the local perspective. The Open Eyes Economy is a macrosocial and macroeconomic insight into the global condition of the world. That is the only perspective that lets us find efficient solutions to problems that bother us at the country, regional and urban levels.



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