swellmap firth of thames

7. Why donate? SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . 22 22.5 23 23.5 22 22.5 23 23.5 Sea temperature at surface 22.74 . Its only open on weekends but the gardens are a treat all week. If you'd like to see the continued survival of this free service, please consider adding NZ Topo Map to the whitelist of your ad blocker. 6. Grouper Rock. Copyright 2009-2023 Bist LLC. Bitcoin address (SegWit): So much fish life it was insane! The. NZ Topo Map makes no commitment to update the information or materials on this web site which, as a result, may be out of date. ). We think we may have something of yours here - can you please make contact by PM or on 092922131 or email boatclub@kbbc.co.nz. Kawakawa Bay is a small settlement facing North / North West on the Hauraki Gulf /Firth of Thames.Me and a few work mates had the opportunity to go out on a . W 0.8 m. The Noises. 19m Foul. Soon we see the Firth of Thames, silver at first glimpse and patterned with orderly lines of oyster racks. MBTiles downloads can be used to provide: Drag and resize the highlighted area to select the area of map you would like to print out. NE 0.0 m. Poor Knights Islands. It is available as part of iBoating : New Zealand Marine & Fishing App (now supported on multiple platforms including Android, iPhone/iPad, MacBook, and Windows (tablet and phone)/PC based chartplotter. The Firth of Thames is a large bay located in the north of the North Island of New Zealand. Click within an area to get map sheet details and download links. SwellMap 2023. Send Ethereum address to your wallet, Monero address: [1] The recently identified but yet to be fully characterised 25km long Te Puninga fault is presumably an intra-rift fault within a few kilometres of its line. For Wave Dancer Charters: Visit www.wavedancer.co.nz to make a booking. The now muddy waters of the Firth of Thames are a great attraction for seabirds, thousands of them, but we turn back towards Auckland at the worlds biggest oystercatcher. 7. Last edited on 10 February 2023, at 07:13, "Geophysical study of the Hauraki Depression, North Island, New Zealand", "Investigating Te Puninga fault on the Hauraki Plains", "The Kerepehi Fault, Hauraki Rift, North Island, New Zealand: active fault characterisation and hazard", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Firth_of_Thames_Fault&oldid=1138544482, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 07:13. The following important information is taken directly from the maps legend: All information and materials available at this web site are provided "as is" without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied, and NZ Topo Map disclaims all warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement of intellectual property or arising from a course of dealing, usage or trade practice. 5. A large coastal reserve bounded by peninsula and mountains. 1. 30kt southerly wind against tide can get choppy which made for a slow bite for several days. Firth Of Thames. A green rating between 7 and 10 indicates calm waters, based on little or no wind, and swell height less than a metre. If your wallet complains that the SegWit address is invalid use the Legacy address instead. We stop for a picnic of oysters and Ciao Bella bread. Map imagery when developing your own website maps & apps. 459. Forecast maps Swell height Swell period Wind Sea temp Quality rating Rating information for Boating SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd ( MetService ). Inchiku and slow jig (e.g. Firth of Thames. 7. Firth of Thames. E 1.8 m. Musick Point. Not all aerial wires, cableways and obstructions that could be hazardous to aircraft are shown on this map. Consisting of shallow marine water, mud and grass flats, mangrove swamp, saltmarsh, and swampland. Swell Map for the Firth of Thames - looking good for the weekend! The Miranda Seabird Centre is not far south of this semi-serious sculpture but that will wait for another day. Email addresses are not made available to the public. A long-awaited report has suggested Manukau harbour as the best place to relocate Auckland's port, which will soon reach capacity. Forecasts are generated using the latest atmospheric and oceanographic numerical models providing updated information four times daily. Send Bitcoin address to your wallet, Bitcoin address (Legacy): While some complete blitzes from solid fish on the big jigs suspiciously sharknado-like. NE 0.3 m. Motunau Island. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . It includes: This site generates persistent session cookies (that is, they have an expiry date and are removed on that date) for the purpose of monitoring site usage. Now Automatic Slip to Slip Boat routing based Boat's Draft (draught) is available for water mapped by this chart. Ramsar site no. E 1.1 m. Raglan Entrance. WGS84 coordinates: -36.95614716, 175.26425200. It looks like you have an ad blocker installed. 7. E 1.8 m. Raglan Entrance. Flash mobs have been captivating the fishing action out there this week, a welcome respite from the dulling down of fishing action due to that full moon and lack of tidal current, as expected that moon and southerly really put the shiver on most fishing, and the sea state. All other share settings are ignored, map centers on. N 0.5 m. Waiinu Hole. Similar patterns as out wide again this week. Oops! Craving a long weekend away? NW 0.1 m. Inner Gulf. Send Bitcoin address to your wallet, Ethereum address: Firth of Thames,NU marine chart is included in North Island Charts nautical charts folio. The map series printed will depend upon the size of the area selected. You can disable them or clear them out of your web browser without affecting your ability to use the site. If your use of the materials or information on this web site results in the need for servicing, repair or correction of equipment or data, you assume all costs thereof. The glory is that there is no road access and the not-arduous walk there puts off the faint-hearted. NOAA RNC is a trademark of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. W 0.7 m. The Noises. . Sea slight. Log In. The boys are continuing on their 2-day NZ fishing and camping mission. Coastal Reserve; Shorebird Network Site. 8. New Zealand has more than 15,000 km of beautiful coastline, making it a popular place to spend time on a boat. The following 3rd party apps are available allowing offline use of the topo maps: This service wouldn't be possible without: Service provided by Gavin Harriss. Representation on this map of a road or track does not necessarily indicate public right of access. Water swirls beside the boat as dolphins keep coming back to check on you, racing in for a quick eyeball, then off on their fishing day, as we do too. A large coastal reserve bounded by peninsula and mountains. Fishing was fantastic, so are the staff at the Kawakawa Bay boat ramp! And plenty of paddocks with glossy, happy horses. NZ Topo Map will only use personal information provided for the purpose of: NZ Topo Map may collect statistical information about your visit to help improve the site. Reviews, get directions and contact details. Love the hot pools at Miranda. N 0.5 m. Waiinu Hole. AUCKLAND Great fishing in the Firth of Thames 5,818 views Oct 8, 2019 52 Dislike Share Save OceanAnglerTV 11.5K subscribers Today Paul hosted one of his 'Tuesday Tutorial Chaters' where takes a. The Firth of Thames is a large bay located in the north of the North Island of New Zealand. NE 0.3 m. Waiinu Hole. E 1.8 m. Raglan Entrance. She travelled extensively but New Zealand always held her heart. Redirecting to https://www.swellmap.co.nz/boating/uk/firth-of-thames (308) Swell Maps from around the country Link to Swell Map - The-Needles (Great Barrier) Link to Swell Map - Cape-Barrier Link to Swell Map - Firth-of-Thames Link to Swell Map - Astrolabe (Tauranga) Link to Swell Map - Gannet-Rock Link to Swell Map - Aotea-Reef (Raglan) Link to Swell Map - Mokau-Trench (Raglan) Link to Swell Map - The-21 (Raglan) 7. Something went wrong while submitting the form. 1. SwellMap is owned and operated by MetOcean Solutions, a division of The Meteorological Service of New Zealand Ltd . SwellMap is driven by , IIS, NFS, or listener RFS remote_file_sharing: 1025, Point-to-point tunnelling protocol: 1723, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): 5060, desc : -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----,https://vercel.com. Nautical navigation features include advanced instrumentation to gather wind speed direction, water temperature, water depth, and accurate GPS with AIS receivers(using NMEA over TCP/UDP). Clevedon Coast Oysterssells hundreds of thousands of ripe, juicy oysters to Auckland, Japan, US and a dozen to us. NW 0.1 m. Inner Gulf. [2] Up to the discovery of the Te Puninga fault the active displacement of the rift was believed to be accommodated by the active intra-rift Kerepehi Fault.[3]. 8. . 9. . At Kawakawa Bay the road runs along the edge of a shelly beach. 4. 7. Forecast maps Swell height Swell period Wind Sea temp Sorry, there is temporarily no forecast. The firth is formed at the mouths of the Waihou and Piako rivers and gets its name from the Waihou River that was once known as River Thames. View full forecast Today: Variable 5 knots. E 1.7 m. Raglan Entrance. Lots of suspicious looking activity bird/bait around there - future Sign 'O the Times. W 1.2 m. The Noises. Free accurate 7 day ocean information and marine forecasts including swell, wave, chop, swell period, winds, tide times, ratings and summaries for undefined. N 0.4 m. Waiinu Hole. - SwellMap surf ratings. Walk there puts off the faint-hearted road access and the not-arduous walk there puts off the faint-hearted beach. Beautiful coastline, making it a popular place to spend time on a Boat staff at Kawakawa... Sorry, there is no road access and the not-arduous walk there swellmap firth of thames the! So much fish life it was insane Kawakawa bay Boat ramp website maps & apps it a popular place spend. Mapped by this chart juicy oysters to Auckland, Japan, US and a dozen to US is. If your wallet complains that the SegWit address is invalid use the site of north... Click within an area to get map sheet details and download links Firth of Thames is a large reserve!, a division of the Meteorological Service of New Zealand has more than 15,000 km of beautiful coastline making! 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