sauder bookshelf assembly instructions

Scan this QR code or go to this address: to watch a video on how to assemble your unit. Fasten the LEFT END (B) to the BOTTOM (D) and FIXEDSHELF (L). Never exceed the weight limits shown in the instructions. Pour toute question concernant la garantie ou toute demande de rclamation, consulter le site Web Nice. Tighten two HIDDEN CAMS. Material. Share your journey! No. DANS LA MESURE O TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE EST APPLICABLE, TOUTE GARANTIE IMPLICITE, Y COMPRIS TOUTE GARANTIE DE COMMERCIABILIT OU DADAPTATION UN USAGE PARTICULIER, EST LIMITE LA DURE DE LA PRSENTE GARANTIE EXPRESSE ou la priode minimum autorise par la loi, la priode la plus courte tant retenue. Se ha provisto una perforacin para acceso a travs del DORSO (M2) para la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD. Since the back panel had a cutout for TV and stereo cables, she had to make sure the panel lined up perfectly with the frame before nailing it down. Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) offre une couverture de garantie limite lacheteur initial du prsent produit pendant une priode de un an compter de la date dachat contre tout dfaut de matriaux ou de fabrication des composantes de mobilier Sauder. A4 A4 EE2 J CC (2 used) N To cover HIDDEN CAMS (8 used) Page 10 409090 www.sauder. PASO 1 PASO 3 No apriete los EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS en este paso. I hope the purchase and assembly process was a positive experience and you feel good about the furniture you just built. Step 5 Carefully stand your unit upright. Look for this icon. La unidad podra caerse. PASO 4 PASO 5 Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se je el DORSOS. Apriete las BARRAS DE RETENCIN a la PUERTA utilizando cuatro TORNILLOS NEGROS DE CABEZA GRANDE DE 16 mm (140S).NOTA: Asegrese de que posicionar las BARRAS DE RETENCIN exactamente como se muestra.NOTA: Las BARRAS DE RETENCIN deben moverse fcilmente hacia arriba y hacia abajo.Fije el TIRADOR (149K) a la PUERTA (O). Thenylon sheath will remain behind your wall. Ensuite, appuyer sur les LANGUETTES DE RETENUE.Voir ltape suivante pour rglages des PORTES.TAPE 22Enfiler la MOULURE DE TABLETTE* (I) sur le chant crant dune des TABLETTES (E).Rpter cette tape pour les autres TABLETTES (E) et les MOULURES DE TABLETTE (I).Enfoncer les MANCHONS EN CAOUTCHOUC (2R) sur les GOUPILLES EN MTAL (1R). No hay cobertura de garanta para defectos o estados que resulten del incumplimiento en seguir las instrucciones, la informacin o las advertencias sobre el ensamblaje del producto; del uso incorrecto o maltrato, del dao intencional, incendio, inundacin, cambio o modificacin del producto; o de la utilizacin del producto de manera contradictoria con el uso para el cual fue fabricado, ni por ningn estado que resulte del mantenimiento, limpieza o cuidado incorrecto o inadecuado. No hay cobertura de garanta para defectos o estados que resulten del incumplimiento en seguir las instrucciones, la informacin o las advertencias sobre el ensamblaje del producto; del uso incorrecto o maltrato, del dao intencional, incendio, inundacin, cambio o modificacin del producto; o de la utilizacin del producto de manera contradictoria con el uso para el cual fue fabricado, ni por ningn estado que resulte del mantenimiento, limpieza o cuidado incorrecto o inadecuado. Serrer les VIS dans la rainure.Fixer le LAMBREQUIN (F) aux EXTRMITS (A et B) et au DESSUS (N). Load the bottom surfaces first to avoid top-heavy furniture.Moving furniture that is not designed to be moved or equipped with casters may result in injury or damage to furnishings or personal property.ALWAYS unload shelves and drawers, starting with the top surfaces, before moving. Wipe dry. 5. You can also contact Sauder at 1.800.523.3987. NOTE: Please read the back page of the instruction booklet for important safety information. Sauder 412835 Assembly Instructions - Page 1 Document Details: 28 pages, 547.46 KB filesize. Place the heavier items on lower shelves as far back from the front as possible. Los TORNILLOS apretarn dentro de la ranura. Les Excentriques Escamotables que ne sont pas serres bloc peuvent desserrer et les pices peuvent sparer. Utiliser deux VIS TTE PLATE 49 mm NOIRES (113S).TAPE 7Fixer la TABLETTE FIXE (L) au MONTANT (C). NEVER place toys, food, remote, etc. Advertisement. Le mot dfaut , tel quil est utilis sous les termes de la prsente garantie, comprend les imperfections des pices qui empchent substantiellement lutilisation du produit. PLEASE READ AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Il faudra forcer un peu pour serrer ces VIS.Installer ensuite la PORTE (O) sur le centre du TUBE DE RAIL DE PORTE (111M), comme il lest indiqu.TAPE 20REMARQUE : Il faudra ensuite lever la PORTE en tenant les extrmits du TUBE DE RAIL DE PORTE. Slide the bottom shelf into place for support. Use two SILVER 5/8 MACHINE SCREWS (15S).The RETAINING BARS should move up and down easily.155M140SBLACK 5/8 LARGE HEAD SCREW (4 used in this step)The RETAINING BARS should overhang the bottom edge of the DOOR.15S SILVER 5/8 MACHINE SCREW(2 used for the PULL) RwiMthOouLtDINGS149K421191Page 23Step 19Fasten two DOOR STOPS (106M) to the DOOR TRACK TUBE (111M). We're Here for You! There is also no warranty coverage for rented products or any products purchased used or as is, at a distress or going-out-of business sale, or from a liquidator. El mobiliario inestable puede volcarse. Sauder Woodworking Co. (Sauder) provides limited warranty coverage to the original purchaser of this product for a period of one year from the date of purchase against defects in materials or workmanship of Sauder furniture components. NOTE: Please read the back page of the instruction booklet for important safety information. Use nine BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREWS (T). Chaque tape en franais correspond la mme tape en anglais. No apriete los EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS en este paso.Ensamble la unidad sobre un piso alfombrado o sobre el cartn vaco para evitar rayar la unidad o el piso.Empuje catorce EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS (1F) dentro de los EXTREMOS (A y B), del PARAL (C), del FONDO (D) y del ESTANTE INMVIL (L). As used in this Warranty, defect means imperfections in components which substantially impair the utility of the product. NOTE: The SCREWS will tighten into the groove. Assemble your unit on a carpeted floor or on the empty carton to avoid scratching your unit or the floor. Quick and easy assembly with patented slide-on moldings to save you time. 5,499,886PASO 23IMPORTANTE: Los PROTECTORES se utilizan para reducir el riesgo de pellizcarse los dedos al deslizar la PUERTA.Pele los PROTECTORES de las CARTAS DE LOS PROTECTORES (29M) y pegue los PROTECTORES en las esquinas superiores e inferiores de ambos lados de la PUERTA (O).Separe las APLICACIONES de la TARJETA CON APLICACIONES (79P) y aplique las sobre cada EXCNTRICO ESCONDIDO visible.NOTA: Por favor, lea las pginas de atrs del folleto de instrucciones en cuanto a importante informacin de seguridad.Esto completa el ensamblaje. Utiliser sept VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRES (1S).Fixer la PLINTHE (G) au DESSOUS (D). Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Millwood Pines Part #: W011215278 on this page. 5. $40 OFF your qualifying first order of $250+1 with a Wayfair credit card. Unfold the BACK (M2) and lay it over your unit. 4. (16 used) 8FRemember: Righty tighty. Clean with your favorite furniture polish or a damp cloth. You may need to turn the LEVELER a couple of turns again to get your DOOR adjusted as shown in diagram #1. Beginnings collection 4 drawer chest (24 pages), Starter kit hanover closets collection (32 pages), County line collection side table/night stand (24 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413118 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413043 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder Palladia 413998 Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413678 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413327 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 413044 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder beginnings 413324 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 417771 Assembly Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 412267 Instruction Booklet, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 411904 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 410375 Assembly Instructions Manual, Indoor Furnishing Sauder 412740 Assembly Instructions Manual. Estantes sobrecargados pueden romper. Insert the METAL PINS into the hole locations of your choice in the ENDS (A and B) and UPRIGHT (C). La garantie ne peut pas tre transfre des propritaires ou utilisateurs subsquents du produit, et sera immdiatement invalide dans le cas o le produit est revendu, transfr, lou sous bail ou lou une tierce partie ou personne autre que lacheteur original. Use a BLACK 9/16" LARGE HEAD SCREW (Q) into the top of the unit and a BLACK 1-7/8" FLAT HEAD SCREW (P) into a stud in your wall. Nice. Aplique un poco ms fuerza cuando gire estos TORNILLOS.Luego, cuelgue la PUERTA (O) al centro del TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (111M) como se indica.PASO 20NOTA: Levantar la PUERTA sostenindola en los extremos del TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA mientras que la PUERTA cuelga del TUBO.NOTA: Una esquina de la unidad es cortada para mostrar parte del montaje.Coloque el TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (111M) con la PUERTA (O) en los SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (105M).Ahora, fije el TUBO DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA (111M) a los dos SOPORTES DE CARRIL DE LA PUERTA exteriores (105M). Utiliser trois VIS TTE LARGE 14 mm NOIRES (1S) travers les CONSOLES EN MTAL et dans la PLINTHE.REMARQUE : La PLINTHE ne comporte pas de trous pr-percs. 6. D A4 D A4 EE2 D CC L (12 used) www.sauder. Riesgo de lesiones. Serrer deux EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES. Serrer deux EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES. 123SBLACK 5/8 FLAT HEAD SCREW (2 used for the DOOR WHEELS), 127SBLACK 3/8 MACHINE SCREW (4 used in this step). Il est recommand dutiliser la SANGLE DE SCURIT pour renforcer la stabilit.REMARQUE : Ne pas tourner le DISPOSITIF DE SCURIT POUR PLACOPLTRE dans un montant mural. Assembler llment sur un sol moquette ou sur le carton vide pour viter dendommager llment ou le sol. Dimensions: 57.6" W x 15.35" D x 33.19" H, weight: 56.76 lbs. Repeat this step for the remaining SHELVES (E) and SHELF MOLDINGS (I). Turn the screw until it is flush against the wall and you feel a firm resistance. Push the RUBBER SLEEVES (M) over the METAL PINS (L). Serrer six EXCENTRIQUES ESCAMOTABLES.TAPE 10Fixer sept CONSOLES EN MTAL (4G) aux EXTRMITS (A et B), au DESSOUS (D) et au DESSUS (N). Slide one of the SHELF MOLDINGS* (I) onto the notchededge of the FIXED SHELF (L). Engineered Wood. You may receive extra hardware with your unit. Finish fastening the BACK (M2) to your unit using the NAILS (1N). Slide the DOOR over to the left side of your unit.Diagram #1 : The gap between the DOOR and the side of your unit should be constant from top to bottom. Cuidadosamente lea la tabla a continuacin. NE JAMAIS placer de jouets, daliments, de tlcommande, etc. Clean with a damp cloth. Para solicitud de informacin o reclamacin de Garanta, por favor, visite nuestro sitio Web NOTE: You may need to gently tap the DOOR TRACK into the groove in the BOTTOM using your hammer. Bedroom, Living Room and Office Furniture Sauder Furniture HomepageRelated PostsJENSEN JCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada User ManualJCR-255 Radio Despertador Digital AM FM con Vibrador Debajo de la Almohada Radio Despertador Digital AM/FM con VibradorKORG Sound Link User GuideSound Link MW-2408 MW-1608 HYBRID ANALOG/DIGITAL MIXER Gua de inicio rpido Puede descargar el Manual del usuario enPUR Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's ManualWhole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Whole Home Ultraviolet Water Disinfection System Owner's Manualz` PUV15S PUV25S PUV15H PUV25HDURASPIN DS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver Instruction ManualDS222-18V Auto-Feed Screwdriver DS222-18V DS225-18V DS322-18V AUTO-FEED SCREWDRIVER Operating Instructions KYOCERA-SENCO Industrial Tools, Inc. 8450 Broadwell Road Cincinnati,July 5, 2021January 30, 2023Posted insauderTags: _pdf, 421191, sauder, Storage CabinetPost navigationNext Post Next post:sauder Crossmill 3 Shelf Bookcase with Doors Instructions. Re ister your new product onlineFor immediate service, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, to order replacement parts, access assembly tips and register your product, visit This Warranty applies only to warranted defects that first arise and are reported to Sauder within the warranty coverage period. sur les meubles. Fasten the LOWER ENDS (CC and EE2) to the FIXED SHELF (F2). Inserte el ANCLAJE DE SEGURIDAD PARA EL DRYWALL a travs la ARANDELA y de un extremo de la CORREA DE SEGURIDAD.2. Fije el DORSO (M2) a las PATAS POSTERIORES (P). Need help? backing from the TAPE on the DOOR MOLDINGS. PAGE 3. Model Number: 413792 Menards SKU: 4822346. Utiliser deux VIS TTE GOUTTE DE SUIF 13 mm MARRON (125S).REMARQUE : Il est possible que les VIS soient di ciles tourner. 5,499,886Notched edgeSome assembly (and snacks) required.Slide the SHELF MOLDING (I)onto the notched edge.ISHuIDrfDaEceNwCiAthMSCLif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_25',708,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');The groove is closer to this edge.CautionRisk of damage or injury. The unit may collapse.1SBefore fastening the BACK, punch out the perforation and push the SAFETY STRAP through the hole.BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREW (4 used in this step)UnfinsuisrhfaecdeM2PC P A1N NAIL (60 used in this step)Page 16if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'manuals_plus-portrait-1','ezslot_30',714,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-manuals_plus-portrait-1-0');NOTE: Fasten the BACK with four BLACK 9/16 LARGE HEAD SCREWS (1S) before using the NAILS (1N) 12Use a hammer to drive a PROPEL NUT (14M) into the holes in the LEGS (H and P). Inserte dos ESPIGAS DE METAL (L) dentro de los EXTREMOS INFERIORES (CC y EE2). Use this part identication to help identify similar parts. And dont forget to rate and review your piece at in the product detail page. Sauder peut exiger de soumettre les demandes de rclamation sous garantie par crit : Sauder Woodworking Co., 502 Middle Street, Archbold, OH 43502 USA. NEVER place toys, food, remote, etc. La pice devant tre attache llment est reprsente en gris sur les schmas de chaque tape pour plus de prcision. IL NEXISTE AUCUNE AUTRE GARANTIE EN VIGUEUR POUR LE PRSENT PRODUIT. A continuacin, presione hacia abajo sobre las BARRAS DE RETENCIN.Consulte el prximo paso para ajustar la PUERTA. Using a Phillips screwdriver or a hand drill, press the screw slightly onto the drywall just below the top surface of yourunit so the SAFETY STRAP will not be visible.3. Inserte las ESPIGAS DE METAL en los agujeros al nivel preferido de los EXTREMOS (A y B) y el PARAL (C). Appliquer une certaine pression ; faire tourner la vis jusqu la gaine en nylon glisse travers.4. Inserte las ESPIGAS DE METAL en los agujeros al nivel preferido de los EXTREMOS (A y B) y el PARAL (C). Apriete ocho EXCNTRICOS ESCONDIDOS.PASO 5Fije las otras dos PATAS (H y P) al EXTREMO IZQUIERDO (B). ALWAYS use either the safety hardware as instructed or other wall anchoring device.Placing audio and/or video equipment onto furniture not specifically designed to support audio and/or video equipment may result in death or serious injury due to furniture collapse or tip over.NEVER place a TV on furniture that is not intended to support a TV. A4 UPPER END (2) B TOP/BOTTOM (2) CC D LOWER RIGHT END (1) ADJUSTABLE SHELF (3) EE2 LOWER LEFT END (1) F2 FIXED SHELF (1) G BACK (2) G B A4 D A4 D F2 CC D G EE2 B www.sauder. Price $154.99. Sauder may require independent confirmation of the claimed defect and proof of purchase. SAUDER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY for ANY INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND and all such damages are EXCLUDED FROM THIS WARRANTY, such as loss of use, disassembly, transportation, labor or damage to property on or near the product. 5-Shelf Wood Bookcase in Sindoori Mango. Use two BROWN 1/2 PAN. Las piezas de repuesto sern garantizadas solamente por el perodo de tiempo que queda de la Garanta original. Assembler llment sur un sol moquette ou sur le carton vide pour viter dendommager llment ou le sol. ( P ) ENDS ( CC and EE2 ) to the BOTTOM ( D ) UPRIGHT... Ou sur le carton vide pour viter dendommager llment ou le sol you feel a firm.. Precaucin: No coloque la unidad en posicin vertical hasta que se je el DORSOS le sol ( C.. Notchededge of the instruction booklet for important safety information DOOR adjusted as shown in the instructions this.. Jamais placer de jouets, daliments, de tlcommande, etc screw until it is flush against the and... Schmas de chaque tape en franais correspond la mme tape en franais correspond la tape. Utiliser deux VIS TTE PLATE 49 mm NOIRES ( 1S ).Fixer la PLINTHE G. Mm NOIRES ( 113S ).TAPE 7Fixer la TABLETTE FIXE ( L ) de! 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( M2 ) to your unit the product detail page las piezas de sern... Claimed defect and proof of purchase a carpeted floor or on the empty carton to avoid your. ( 1S ).Fixer la PLINTHE ( G ) au MONTANT ( C ) you time purchase assembly. Gris sur les schmas de chaque tape pour plus de prcision concernant la garantie ou toute demande de,.

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